Poker + Sex = Viewers

The recent explosive growth of the poker industry has left few cards unturned when it comes to finding new ways to cash in on the craze. One group, already known for its twisted and satirical parodies of modern society, is once again leading the way to the next possible "big thing" in poker.
National Lampoon, yes, that's right, the same National Lampoon that brought audiences films like Animal House and the Vacation series has entered the poker world in its own unique way.
Instead of joining the ranks of the Travel Channel and ESPN by offering traditional poker television, National Lampoon has taken the opposite route of traditional TV tournaments which promote exceptional play and top pros and is laughing all the way to the bank.
National Lampoon's Strip Poker pay-per-view specials have taken two of the world's favorite pasttimes, sex and poker, and made a potent mixt of hilarity and super-sexy poker action that both teaches the game (albeit for horny newbies) and provides viewers with some of the world's most beautiful pieces of eye candy.
Filmed at the all-to-appropriate Hedonism II nudist resort in Jamaica, each episode features six female supermodels battling to become grand champion and leave the losers butt naked, with only their smiles left to draw attention away from their toned bodies.
According to the show's website, the program is much more than full-frontal nudity and gambling. It also features original music from Metal Skool, twisted cartoons from the crazy minds at Icebox, and special guests like Kato Kaelin, comedian Fred Stoller (Dumb and Dumber, Seinfeld), and comedian Suzy Nece (Jamie Kennedy Experiment, Nash Bridges).
The program truly lives up to its name, although I honestly don't believe that its target audience is really watching to improve their game. In its nationwide debut over the weekend, the show featured one of the WWE's (professional wrestling) hottest Monday Night Raw starlets, Alexis. Eventually, as show creator's promised, she like every other loser at the table, ended up completely naked after losing to legendary Playboy model Taylor Kenedy's pocket kings.
In the end (forgive the pun), National Lampoon's Strip Poker is sure to draw large audiences if it continues to provide this type of poker programming. Some people may question whether this type of show has an audience, but if National Lampoon's past success is any indication, there will be plenty of 18 to 24-year-old male, college students tuning in.
Ed Note: Play with Gus Hansen, Tony G, and Erik123 (who will be wearing clothes, thank you) every day at Pokerchamps.