Turn Up the Radio: Poker's on!

Poker is on your television, on your computer, on your bookshelf, and it is probably always on your mind. Now it is coming to you via the radio airways, as well. "Ante Up Radio" has been hitting the talk radio AM stations in the Southern U.S. for a couple of months with resounding success. Each Monday evening, Ante Up goes live to talk poker with professionals, novices, and poker business representatives. Thus far they're covering 5 different stations across the Tennessee area, including stations WKVL AM 850, WGAP AM 1400, WMTY AM 670, WLOD AM 1140, and WATO AM 1290. Fans of the show who cannot tune in from their area catch the action by accessing all of the archives at anteupradio.com.
Host Brady Goodman is amazed by the overwhelming positive response that his show has received. Some of his guests have included WPT commentator and poker veteran Mike Sexton, professional poker player Thomas "Thunder" Keller, ESPN poker commentator Norman Chad, Michael Konik from Fox Sports Net's poker broadcast booth, and other familiar names from the realm of poker. Goodman commented, "Basically we are a radio show dedicated to all things poker. I want the show to be fun to listen to whether you are a novice or a pro, at this point I think we are doing that."
As the base of listeners and advertisers grows, Ante Up hopes to reach more stations. "At this point we are just a small radio show that is trying to build an audience," Goodman explained. "In the future the more radio stations the better. Without a doubt going national is a long term goal. We are also looking at web casting the show live." Goodman calls himself a calling station, admitting that his poker skills still need some serious improvements. "I'm not the host of the show because I'm a great poker player. What I lack in poker skill I make up for in radio skill. I want to be your Monday night poker buddy that gets to talk about poker on the radio."
Ed Note: Turn off the radio, and turn on Noble Poker - you won't be disappointed