Jeff Gordon Plays the Poker Card to Raise Money

Racing fans love the high risk world of motor-sports and can't get enough of their favorite drivers and teams. They are one of the most loyal groups of fans in all of sports. One of racing's most popular and most successful drivers is banking on the love of his fan base and using his fame to raise money through one of his other passions, poker.
Jeff Gordon is one of today's hottest NASCAR racers and has an enormous following. He is also one of the sport's tireless charity advocates and has used his success on the track to make a difference in the lives of others through the Jeff Gordon Foundation.
Since its inception in 1999, The Jeff Gordon Foundation has provided support for families through the Leukemia and Lymphoma, the Make a Wish Foundation, the Marrow Foundation, the Riley Hospital for Children (Indiana) and Jeff Gordon's Children's Hospital at the NorthEast Medical Center.
In his latest "MoneyMaker," Gordon is teaming up Harrah's Entertainment to bring a series of high-stakes No Limit Hold'em tournaments which will include online satellite tournaments and events at several of Harrah's casinos. The events are scheduled for fall and will culminate with the championship in March, during the week of the annual race at Las Vegas Motor Speedway and will be held at Caesar's Palace.
One of Gordon's biggest fans and supporters of the Jeff Gordon Foundation is poker's own 2003 World Series of Poker champion, Chris Moneymaker. According to Moneymaker, the tournaments are a great way to raise the profile of these child-related causes.
"The Jeff Gordon Foundation Hold'em Tournament will raise both players' and fans' expectations about what a world class tournament benefiting charities can provide. As a fan and supporter of Jeff Gordon, I fully expect that this event can help make significant contributions to children in need of his Foundation's support," Moneymaker said in a recent press release.
Gordon is dedicated to raising the stakes for these worthy charities and he believes that players can make a major impact on the lives of these kids. "The popularity of these tournaments lends itself well to creating an environment where casual enthusiasts can enjoy participating in a star filled event knowing that they are also supporting The Jeff Gordon Foundation."
Gordon is also challenging the corporations and people who have profited from poker's success like Moneymaker and Harrahs. "With the industry's support, we can help meet the overwhelming physical, social, and intellectual needs of children and their families throughout the United States," Gordon said.
Ed Note: Poker Stars is where Moneymaker started off. Check it.