Can Darth Vader Keep His Poker Face?

Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) is one of the cinema's most evil villains. Along with the evil emperor, he travels the galaxy destroying everything in his path. His actions are legendary (ask any Star Wars fan) and his image and voice will forever be in the landscape of space movies. Now Vader, or at least the man who played him in the Star Wars prequels, is set to show the world that although his character is from the dark side of the force, he is quite the opposite and is helping to make a difference in the lives of Earth's inhabitants.
On August 10, Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader) will join a host of celebrities and Champ car drivers in the first-ever Celebrity Bowling, Billiards, and Texas Hold'em Charity event. Hosted by The CENTRIX Financial Grand Prix of Denver and sponsored by PacifiCare, the event is set to raise money for several charities including the Make a Wish Foundation, Hole In the Wall Camps, and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to name a few.
In addition to Christensen, star players include, grand marshall of the Grand Prix and "Beverly Hills 90210" star, Jason Priestley, Anthony Edwards of "E.R", Bam Magera, star of MTV's "Viva La Bam", Stephen Page, lead singer for the Barenaked Ladies, just to name a few.
During the celebrity event there will be a silent auction to raise additional funds. Several of the items to be auctioned off include a Carmello Anthony autographed jersey, a HydePark/Breitling watch, a Kenyon Martin autographed basketball, and an autographed racing suit from film legend and car racing enthusiast, Paul Newman.
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