Gaming Club Poker Go From Strength To Strength

Running on the Prima Poker network, Gaming Club Poker is quickly generating a lot of support from online players. Sponsoring famous UK players, The Hendon Mob, Prima Poker clearly have high ambitions and with their flagship Gaming Club Poker offering such large incentives like the $300 sign-up bonus for new players and the superb mini-view which enables several tables to be played at one time, this particular club is sure to keep members happy.
Gaming Club's Bonus Redemption Program is a charming, unique way of earning your sign-up bonus. Points are awarded during play at $0.25/$0.50 or higher, bonus funds are then released into players accounts in chunks of $20 up to the maximum of $300. More information about Gaming Club's promotions can be found in our room review.
The Gaming Club Poker software is run by the respected Microgaming, one of the leaders in online gaming for over ten years, players should have absolute faith in this poker room and software. Indeed, with player traffic numbers increasing here all the time and the exposure given to Gaming Club on and off line, it seems many poker players have already become loyal Gaming Club members.
Gaming Club Poker sponsored The World Poker Championships held in Dublin, Ireland earlier in 2004 an event won by Xuyen Pham. Jani Sointula, a Gaming Club player triumphed in the Monte Carlo Millions after qualifying through a satellite held at the online poker room.
Gaming Club Poker is part of Belle Rock Gaming and The Prima Poker Network.