Pokerchamps gives New Years Deposit Bonus!

The newest and most innovative online poker room PokerChamps is offering a huge give away until January 9th. They present a New Years Deposit bonus.
<center>The first real money deposit you make during December 23rd to January 9th will be credited an extra 100% in bonus up to a maximum of $100.</center>
No matter if you are a new player and deposit for the first time or an old <a href="""" target="_blank">Poker Champs</a> member playing from the beginning at this innovative poker room. All players who deposit will be awarded. The bonus will be given only one time per player during this festive period, so do not hesitate!
Please remember, that you can earn money without playing because of unique affiliate system. Bring new players, make them your affiliates and they will earn money for you. You can get up to 50% commission from them.
New to PokerChamps? Please read our PokerChamps Tutorial and PokerChamps review.