Top Poker Twitter Feeds
You’re the second opera on to ask today, hopefully soon #WeNeedIt…
I’m the only person on this bus wearing a seatbelt and if the worst happens you better believe I’m going to try to……
Remember there was that one kid in high school who told you seat belts kill more people than they save? That kid has a blue checkmark now.
Now Seat Alternates 400 & Below
Where’s Thang Luu when we need him?…
Play 1st 25k 6max- bust out end of day1, one entry, didn’t cash Play 2st 1k mystery bounty- cash 61 dollars, one……
Running daily as space is available. 1pm $250 NL 4pm $400 NL 8pm $200 NL 3pm Mondays $250 HORSE 9am Wednesdays $……
Busted first hand of omaha/8 ( only had 8500 chips ). Now have the honor of playing in the first ever @WSOP Badugi……
Now Seat Alternates 330 & Below
Now Seat Alternates 310 & Below
You can get so focused on a plan for how you’ll play, like “I’m going to bet turn and bluff brick rivers,” that you……
Heading to Vegas to play the WSOP $1500 2-7 Triple Draw on the 12th. Should I sell some sweats? #LuckBoxMoney
Now Seat Alternates 270 & Below
My Mom just texted me a few pictures for extra motivation today, not that I need extra motivation, but I’ll take it……
Anyone in the market for. 2022 ford bronco wildtrax. 27k miles. Great condition. 60k
Yo @wsop summer camp kids: If you find yourself injured from drunken wrestling (looking at you @DanSmithHolla) or j……
Now Seat Alternates 230 & Below
Here at @wsop with the Founders of @kimosabemezcal and @enterinnerstate - a new #psychedelic research co you gotta……
This weekend, the $3,500 buy-in, $2,000,000 GTD @BetMGMPoker Championship features two starting flights and will ta……