Seat 8: Michael Stembera (3,835,000)

The ponytail-sporting Michael Stembera enters the final table sixth in chips with a stack of 3,835,000 as he looks to earn his biggest-ever tournament score.
Stembera, a native of San Antonio, Texas, has $558,447 in lifetime earnings that includes a first-place finish in $1,000 + 100 No Limit Hold'em - Seniors (Event #1) at the 2019 World Poker Tour - WPT Five Diamond World Poker Classic for $40,970.
Stembera biggest cash came in 2014 when he finished 70th in the World Series of Poker (WSOP) Main Event for $103,025. That means Stembera already has his largest cash locked up as $171,280 is the payout for ninth place.
Stembera stayed relatively quiet throughout Day 5, but we will see if that changes at the final table.