Seat 9: Salim Admon (7,720,000)

Salim Admon enters the final table third in chips with 7,720,000. He had a very solid Day 5 in which he was a mainstay among the top counts and never dropped very far, always keeping an upward trajectory.
Admon hails from Sherman Oaks, California, and often rocks a black LA Dodgers hat while on the felt. He has amassed career poker earnings of $304,509 and a top four score could more than double that count.
His largest success in his playing career thus far was a $219,699 prize for his second-place finish in the November MSPT $1,500 event at the Venetian. That accounts for about two-thirds of his career total earnings. Admon also boasts a notable cash from the 2017 WSOP Main Event when he finished in 513th place for $24,867.