Long Tank for Lee

Hand #77: Roland de Wolfe made it 95,000 and Nicolas Levi reraised to 255,000. His three-bet worked as everyone, including de Wolfe folded.
Hand #78: Action folded to Danny Steinberg on the button and he raised to 90,000. James Bord reraised from the small blind to "what looks like about 270,000" according to tournament director Jack Effel and won the pot.
Hand #79: Levi raised to 100,000 from under the gun. Ronald Lee was in the small blind and reraised to 195,000. Levi made the call and the flop came down . Lee was first to act and fired out 230,000. Levi made the call.
The turn brought the and Lee checked. His adversary, Levi, checked behind.
The river completed the board with the and Lee checked. Levi reached for chips and bet out a hefty 665,000. Lee tanked for a couple minutes and then gave it up, allowing Levi to scoop a nice pot.