Levi Not Braking

There had been a raise preflop (we're guessing it was from Nicolas Levi on the button, and Andrew Pantling called out of the big blind) and the flop read . Pantling checked to Levi, who bet 23,000 - but Pantling then check-raised to 73,000.
Levi asked how much he had behind (it looked like 330,000 from where we were standing) and played with a stack of white T25,000 chips for a while - but eventually he folded and Pantling moved up to 485,000.
Since then, Levi has increased the aggression. A couple hands later, Marc Inizan opened for 27,000, but folded to Levi's 65,000 reraise. The next hand, Levi opened to 30,000, but no-one wanted to tangle and he upped his stack to 650,000.