Going, Going, Golser

We walked up to the table as the dealer was putting out the turn card on a board showing
. Markus Golser checked, and Andrew Pantling put out a bet of 60,000. Golser had just 89,000 left in his stack, and he would take several minutes to decide on the best course of action. He gave a long stare at Pantling, not garnering any useful information as far as we could tell. He put his hands behind his stacks and pump-faked all in, shaking his head at his own indecisiveness. Finally, he moved them in there, and Pantling called off the extra bit to put him at risk.
Pantling turned up
, and that look of self-loathing and defeat came over Golser's face. He was a bit frustrated as he tabled his
, but he shook hands with Pantling and gave him a friendly, "Very nice hand," as he stood from his chair. The river
is the last card Golser will see today, eliminated at the hands of the chip leader.
Some of his table mates have been telling us that Pantling is "running like god" today, and that tends to be how one wins a tournament in this day in age. His stack of 880,000 puts him well out in front of the pack, and Pantling's previous tournament record indicates that he knows what he's doing behind a big stack of chips.