The Bounce

Phil Ivey was up early, but then saw his stack start to dwindle down, but as of late things seem to be booming in his neck of the woods.
After a player raised to 1,300 from the hijack seat, Anton Wigg made the call from the cutoff and then action moved to Ivey. He was in the small blind and reraised to 5,000. After play folded through the big blind, the original raiser made the call. Wigg decided to get out of the way and let the other two fight it out.
The flop came down and Ivey fired out 7,500. His opponent took about half of a minute to decide this wasn't the best time to duke it out with Ivey and mucked his hand. That pot put Ivey up to about 57,000 in chips.
On the next hand, Gabriel Alarie in middle position raised to 1,400 and Ivey called on the button. Eli Elezra made the call from the big blind and the three players saw a monotone flop of . Elezra checked to the preflop raiser Alarie and he also checked. Ivey fired an even 3,000 with three T1,000 chips and Elezra got out of the way. Alarie then moved all in for 16,500 and Ivey quickly called.
It was an easy call for Ivey, who flopped a monster with the in his hand. Alarie held the
and wasn't looking too good. Ivey even held the straight flush blocker.
The turn brought the and the river the
to give Ivey the pot and boost him a bit more to about 77,000 in chips.