Pascal's Pressure Preflop Has Real Strength Behind It

Pascal Lefrancois has eliminated Scott Fischman. A preflop hand was already getting frisky as Toby Lewis did something under the gun (a small raise of some sort), Pierre Canali re-raised and Lefrancois made it 3,200. These little incremental raises abruptly ended as Fischman moved all in. Speedy passing until back to Lefrancois who immediately called with his
. Fischman remained cool as he shrugged that his
was so obviously behind.
Despite the set of Kings, this was a ray of sunshine for Fischman who laughed that it was the best he could have hoped for.
Turn: And the cloud of inevitable exit blocked it out again.
River: For a bit of rubbing-it-in sleet.
"Good luck," said Fischman as he headed out into the now buzzing casino.