2nd Quads Prompt 2nd Muckle

Jim Collopy checked the flop before calling a 35,000 bet from Ram Vaswani. Most interesting.
Collopy checked again on the turn before calling a further 75,000 from Vaswani. This was turning into a big pot.
They saw a river and Collopy checked a third time; this time the bet from Vaswani was 200,000, with 350,000 left behind.
Collopy sat back in his chair, and commenced to tank.
"You can't have quads twice in a heads-up match, right?" he mused. Vaswani remained silent.
Eventually Collopy called it - in every sense of the word - and then "muckled" again as Vaswani revealed, indeed, for quads.
"You called it," Vaswani told him, as he snuck back into the lead on around 1 million to Collopy's 900,000.