Keston Rob'd

It looked as though it had been limped preflop; when we arrived Samuel Stein was betting out from the small blind position on the flop. Yasuhiro Waki (now getting a massage - from that last hand he won, we reckon he needs it) folded, and the action moved on to Robin Keston on the button. Keston went all in. Stein called.
"I have the nuts," said Stein.
"Yeah, I have the nuts too," Keston replied.
Keston: for aces full of sixes
Stein: for aces full of sixes
They prepared to chop it up...
But wait!
River: making Stein the bigger boat.
"Wow," said Keston in a most understated manner, "Nice hand."
With that our runners were just 19; we are now hand for hand on the money bubble.