Abrahams in the Desert

Down and then slightly up for Javed Abrahams.
The down first:
The board read rainbow when we arrived, and Abrahams had bet out around 10,000. To his left, Jeff Madsen raised what looked like the pot - and after a little while Abrahams folded, leaving himself with 25,000.
Then the up:
The very next hand, Abrahams limped under the gun only for Toby Lewis to raise to 3,600 in mid position. Everyone else got out of the way but Abrahams called and they proceeded heads up to the flop.
Abrahams checked and Lewis fired 4,800. Abrahams tanked up for a little while and then flat called, leaving himself around 16,000 behind.
Both players checked.
River: Abrahams checked for a third time, and eventually (bear in mind that in real life, all of this took an incredibly long time) Lewis checked behind for a second time.
Abrahams turned over for a sneakily checked-on-the-river nut flush, and Lewis mucked with a look of vague amusement on his face.
Lewis - still over 60,000
Abrahams - 32,000