Grundy Wins With Rubbish & the Nuts

Ben Grundy has never been among the chip leaders today, but this level seems to be able to do no wrong. He's taken down pots at showdown with pretty much nothing at all, and won bigger ones with the biggest hands.
Example 1: Winning with rubbish
This hand was only caught on the river, but that was the entertaining bit as Ben Grundy sort of accidentally slowrolled the winning hand which he was almost positive wasn't the winning hand on a board.
"You got me," he sighed at in-position opponent Jan Jachtmann. Jachtmann, however, wasn't about to turn over his hand and just waited until Grundy flipped the (for two pair, fours and sixes with his
backing it up). It didn't matter that his diamonds had missed, however, as the pot was soon heading to him as Jachtmann mucked - although he got a very mini lecture on how he should play differently next time.
Example 2: Winning with the Nuts
Fast forward a few minutes and a pot of 5,600 has grown around a board of with the deuce recently arrived. Two checks to Ben Grundy, who thoughtfully bet 3,625. Two slow folds and he showed them