
Richard Ashby is one of the first post-dinner-break casualties, the high stakes player getting involved in a pot which could have seriously dented erstwhile chip leader Samuel Stein, but instead merely propelled his stack to even giddier heights (57k).
On an flop, Ashby raised to 2,500 over Stein's 1,150 bet. A short pause, and then Stein re-raised to 6,850. A slightly longer pause before Ashby threw in three hundred and fifty, then slow-called the thousands he had to match just before the dealer stepped in to point out that he was a bit short.
The turn: Now Stein simply put down a chunk of 1k chips greater than the total of Ashby's remaining chips. He called, showing
, but failed to improve against Stein's
on the
river. Another one down - expect action to speed up throughout the second half of the day.