Negreanu Sneaks the Lead - Just

Shulman checked and Negreanu bet 240,000. Back to Shulman, who now raised to 700,000. And back over to Negreanu, who announced all in. A moment of consideration from Shulman, and he passed.
Please, by the by, accept our apologies for a crazy glitch in our chip counts page that had the counts going all over the place for about five minutes there. It's fixed now, and the current counts are like so:
Negreanu: 5.05 million
Shulman: 4.985 million
There is less than one big blind between them. What with some of use required to be at the EPT starting tomorrow at noon -- that's seven hours from now -- and one PokerNews crew member already gone to catch his flight home, we're beginning to wish we'd brought sleeping bags...