Channing Busts, Spends Longer Telling Us About It Than He Spent Doing It
We arrived at Neil Channing's table to see Nikolay Evdakov limping under the gun and Marc Goodwin limping on the button. Over to Neil Channing in the small blind, who raised pot. To his left Eric Cajelais called -- and at this point your blogger was distracted by some kerfuffle on the next table that turned out to be Men Nguyen knocking another player out.
Returning to Channing's table to find him no longer there, I caught up with him at the rail. He talked at me for perhaps 10 minutes, but the salient points can be distilled down to this:
- Channing was holding

- Evdakov had limped with aces, obviously
- the flop came down

- Channing duly busted out.