No Thews Is Good News for Hansen

I joined the action on the final street, but Padraig Parkinson, who is sandwiched between the two players, retold the action (please imagine flustered, Irish accent):
"Julian raised, this guy called. Julian bet the flop, this guy called. Jack on the turn, Julian bet again, there was a load of time wasting, he asked for a count, so on and so on. He called, Julian pushed the river, he called again. It all took a very long time" Parkinson then turned to Hansen and asked, "Why didn't you just stick it all in preflop and save us all the trouble?""I wanted all his chips," came the reply. "He would have still called!" barked Parkinson jokingly.
Nevertheless, it was a brave call from Hansen, who now has circa 40,000 in chips as a handsome reward.