Liebert Makes a Good Fold; Koy Still Has His Room Key

Meanwhile on the next table, Jac Arama had found a hotel key card. "Is anyone staying at the Radisson?" he called across the room. "Does anyone want to stay at the Radisson?"
Suddenly Koy perked up: "Oh, I think it might be mine." The card was passed along to him, at which point he checked his wallet and discovered that it wasn't his after all. "Oops."
The tension had been broken, but Liebert had not yet made a decision. A now-grinning Koy shrugged. "It's a good turn. It's a really, really good turn. It's delicious." Liebert enquired as to whether he might show if she folded. "For ��50 I will show. No, let's make it ��20." Liebert folded, and declined his offer of a peek for ��20. Justin Smith, however, took him up on it; Koy duly showed the