Farnood Turns 'The Italian Pirate' into 'The Italian Bubble Boy'

Sherkhan Farnood has just eliminated Max Pescatori from the tournament, bursting the money bubble and leaving us with 16 players, seated across two tables of eight.
Phil Ivey kicked things off by completing to 2,000 showing the

(4th Street)



On fourth street, Ivey passed to Farnood who led out with a 2,000 bet which was called by both Pescatori and Ivey.
(5th Street)



Farnood continued to push his hand on fifth street, betting 4,000, though Pescatori opted to make a stand, raising it up to 8,000. Ivey folded and Farnood flat called.
(6th Street)


On sixth street, Farnood fired one last bet that put Pescatori all in (3,300), and then the hands were turned over:
Farnood: [

Pescatori: [

Farnood's seventh street card -- the

After Farnood added Pescatori's chips to his own stack, he piled up just over 110,000 in chips and the tournament took a brief intermission to redraw the final two tables.