All That Glitters IS Gold

With Matthew raising to 6k pre-flop, Jamie called from the cut-off, as did Dave Colclough on the button. The action-packed

Hankins called quicker than a cheetah on speed and proudly flipped over

"Did anyone fold an Ace?" he asks eagerly. "Nope? Looks like I have 6 outs then."
Well, not just one of those outs came, but two, Jamie jumping up for joy and high-fiving a railer as the turn brought the

There was a bit of uncertainty regarding who had who covered, but it was eventually unearthed that Gold had his man beat. He didn't say it to the entire table, but I shall report it anyhow, but as Hankins chips went sailing away, Gold commented, "That'll teach him for playing like an idiot earlier on."
He then turned to the table and added, "See, that's justice."