He Vill Crush You!

After Phillip Hilm had raised to 3,500 preflop and Janne called from the cutoff, Gary made it 15,000 on the button. Phillip Hilm then gave Gary the stare down of all stare downs, his ice-cold glare at one point actually seen piercing through Gary's head. Gary, shades on and eyes down, remained silent throughout, just the odd squirm or physical gesture suggesting he wasn't particularly comfortable. Meanwhile, Hilm was motionless, and at one point I wondered if he even knew it was his go.
After Hilm had been reactivated, he decided to fold, only for Lamsa to surprise everyone by swiftly reaching for a stack of red 5k chips and putting Gary all in. Perhaps squeeze-playing, Gary paused for a moment and then folded.
Don't mess with the Bond villain, he vill crush you... like an ant.
Next post.