Elvis Has Left the Building

Anyhow, British poker veteran Bruce 'Elvis' Atkinson who, would you Adam and Eve it, moonlights as an Elvis impersonator whenever he can, has just bitten the dust.
I am unable to confirm the pre-flop action, but by the time we reached the

Bruce, who was in the small blind, bet out 1.5k, which Erik Joergensen quickly called.
The turn came a

It took about a lifetime for them to turn over their hands, but after Bruce had asked "What have you got?" for the umpteenth time, Erik finally announced that he had two pair, perhaps confident that he was well in front and trying to make out that his hand included the pair on the board.
After Erik revealed

With Erik looking frustratingly dejected, Bruce coolly added, "You need to improve."
"I know," replied Erik.
And improve he did, the