Double Double

Two short stacks double up (at this rate Day 2B will be twice as populous as Day 2A): Per Hildebrand gets most of his remaining chips in on the turn with the board:

The second occured on Table O'Chat - the corner with Shaun Deeb, Stefan Hansen, Marc Goodwin and Jeff Madsen good-naturedly chatting nonstop, with that kind of gentle needling which makes playing the game with your ipod off more fun, sometimes.
Small blind Madsen and big blind Patrick Jouven were the only two interested in this hand - Madsen interested in moving in with his

"Double flush draw," offers one player as consolation.
"No, only one," corrects another.



Not one of them - double through and resigned shrug from Jouven, while Shaun Deeb teases with the advice, "Just look, and if you see one Ten, get it all in preflop."