Farnood Calls the Clock on Bloch

There was a bit of a debate regarding how long Bloch had been given to think, but by the time they'd agreed upon that about a decade had passed.
"I would have folded ages ago if you hadn't called the clock," announced Bloch amusingly.
At this point, he did indeed fold, but in all the excitement, Rafi Amit picked up Farnood's cards and mumbled, "Let's have a look at what you've got here."
It was all very good humoured, with the noise deriving from Farnood and Amit resulting in hushes from the table next door, but the TD decided to issue Rafi with a warning threatening the sin bin for the next offense.
If anyone has watched Rafi Amit play before, he's not a shy lad. He shouts every time he speaks and isn't afraid to say what's on his mind. Consequently, I can imagine him causing quite a stir with some of the more reserved players.
I look forward to seeing Rafi Amit and Tony G crossing swords at the table and tangling in a non-stop verbal needle fest.