Roland on the River, Parts One Through Three
Hand one -- Roland, on a big stack, gets it all in on a K-J-4 flop with K-6-x-x against A-A-x-x. The six comes on the turn, and Roland is healthy.
Hand two -- de Wolfe gets into a 62,000 chip pot holding 4-6-7-10 with two spades, against A-A-9-5 on a flop of

Hand three -- Gary Jones makes it 2,200 from the button. de Wolfe (small blind), and Donnacha O'Dea (big blind) call. The flop is A-8-6 with two clubs. O'Dea leads at the pot for 6,500, Jones moves in for about 15K total, and de Wolfe calls. O'Dea only has about 3,500 left after his pot-sized lead, and those go in as well.
O'Dea has two pair with A-6-x-x
Jones has flopped a set with 6-6-3-3
de Wolfe is on a jack-high club draw.
The turn is a club, the river a blank, and Roland sends two of the U.K.'s finest on their way. Roland is healthy.