Sound Bluff by Dalby

Vos, clearly not liking the situation but simultaneously keen to remove Dalby from the the tournament, thought and thought before thinking a little bit more and having a final session of serious thinkage. Eventually he folded, leaving Kirk Morrison to bang the table in frustration and inquire as to how Vos could fold for so little.
At this point, Eric "Lowball" Dalby proudly showed

"I couldn't call," pleaded Vos. "I had jack-ten."
He could be telling the truth, but the old "He was ahead anyhow" quote is all too familiar and leaves the mind boggling as to who actually did hold the best hand. "If I had a pair, don't you think I would have called?" added Vos.
Either way, it's a near, and very crucial double up for Dalby who is now bearing a grin the length of the Vegas Strip and who's as smug as a mongrel that's just won a year's supply of Pedigree Chum.