Player Interview: Matthew Moss

London-based poker player Matthew Moss was the first to reach the major milestone of accumulating one million in chips.
Moss had a deep run in last year's Main Event, finishing in 21st place. Even so, he doesn't consider himself a tournament player, mainly because he spends a good chunk of his time playing cash games in Macau.
Moss just relocated to the tan section of the Amazon Room room after his table in Pavillion broke. He found former November Niner and recent bracelet winner, Tom Cannuli, along with Niall Farell, and DJ MacKinnon awaiting him.
PokerNews caught up with Moss, holding about 1.35 million chips as the tournament paused for a player break and a color-up.
PokerNews: How does it feel to be the first player to reach a million?
Moss: It feels pretty good. It's been an epic day. Everything has gone really, really well so far. I've just had a bunch of really good hands.
PokerNews: Do you remember when you reached a million chips last year?
Moss: I don't. I think I just chugged along and had about average the whole way. Today has been more explosive.
PokerNews: What are the odds you better last year's results?
Moss: Pretty long. I'm definitely going to have to put the pressure on in the next couple of levels. I'm not a tournament player so much, so I'm not used to that. But I've been told I have to start bullying some people. I'm going to have to get on that.
PokerNews: Who's telling you that?
Moss (laughing): Some bad influences.
PokerNews: How do the Macau cash games play compared to something like this. It's obviously two different worlds.
Moss: Yes, it's very different. The hours are much worse in Macau. People complain about them here, but you play so many more hours in Macau. You play 36 hours straight all the time, so it's a lot more brutal out there. It's quite tough, as well.
The Main Event field is quite a nice field. You get to play with a lot of different people. In Macau, you see the same faces every day, and they're quick to get you if you're not playing well.
PokerNews: How's your new table?
Moss: Pretty bad. I had two really good tables before this one. The second one I didn't realize was a good table because I was on my phone the whole time, then I looked up at saw what was going and realized I should have been paying more attention. Now, this one looks like a not-so-good table.
PokerNews: It helps that you're bringing a ton of chips to the table.
Moss: Yeah. I was told with the money bubble coming up that I'm going to make a bunch of money.