Hands #69-73: Flop then Drop

Level 26
: 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante
Hand #69: James Moore raised to 140,000 from the small blind and Veronica Daly called from the big blind. The flop came and Daly picked up the pot with a bet of 150,000.
Hand #70: Daly limped from the small blind and Kerry Goldberg checked his option. The flop came and Goldberg bet 60,000 to end the hand before it went any further.
Hand #71: John Isler got a walk in the big blind.
Hand #72: Isler limped the small blind and Moore checked his big blind. The flop came and Isler bet 75,000 to win the hand.
Hand #73: Goldberg raised to 110,000 and everyone folded.