Lodden Thinks in the $1,500 8-Game

It's late. It's been a long day. It was only a matter of time before Lodden thinks made an appearance in proceedings here in the $1,500 8-Game Mix, and it was at the table of Shaun Deeb, Randy Ohel and Natasha Mercier where it was in full swing.
Previous questions have included how much cash was on the persons of the seven people (six players, plus the dealer) at the table, and how many hands a single 1,000-denomination chip will go through over the course of the 2017 World Series of Poker.
The latest question? How much money would it take for Randy Ohel to change his name permanently to Allen Kessler.
As the amount went higher and higher, surpassing the $500k mark, Mercier mentioned that she would probably take $500k to change her name to that of Allen Kessler.
"I bet you $100 that Jason won't allow it," said Deeb as he headed over to find him. When he returned, with Jason remaining unconvinced, the game continued. Eventually they had to find out how much Ohel would take.
He motioned upwards with his thumb. "Way more," he said, "$7.5 million! I like my name!"
At this point the dealer raised an interesting point: "Do you have to include Chainsaw in the name?"