The Bloodiest Game

Level 7
Pot-Limit 2-7 Triple Draw
Mixed game players often refer to the big bet games in a mix as 'blood', with Pot-Limit Triple Draw to be among the bloodiest because of how quickly pots can escalate.
A brief example came recently as Craig Chait three-bet a 1,300 chip cutoff open from Cody Wells to 4,400. Wells made the call and drew two cards, while Chait patted his hand.
Chait then quickly fired out 9,800 after the draw, and after squeezing his cards to check for improvement, Wells folded to the bet that represented about a third of his stack, with two more draws and betting rounds to come.
Wells recently won a pot in the game to get a chunk of his chips back, but it's easy to see how dangerous and 'bloody' Pot-Limit Triple Draw can get.
Player | Chips | Progress |
![]() |
9,000 |
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28,000 |