Hands #15-19: Deeb Wins Two in a Row

Level 33
: 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante
Hand #15: Sergio Aguilar limped blind v blind and check folded to Shaun Deeb's 500,000 bet on the flop.
Hand #16: Adam Johnson made it 550,000 in middle position and Abhinav Iyer called in the big blind. The flop was and Iyer check-called a 500,000 continuation. Iyer opted to lead the
turn and Johnson called 650,000 to see a
land on the river. He barreled 850,000 and got a fold.
Hand #17: Shaun Deeb raised it to 550,000 and Carlos Chang called from his big blind. Chang then check-folded after Deeb continued for 600,000 on the flop.
hand #18: Shaun Deeb raised to 500,000 and took down the blinds and ante,
Hand #19: Abhinav Iyer raised to 750,000 and took down the blinds and ante.