Hands #46-49: Baker and Ferguson Clash

Level 24
: 25,000/50,000, 0 ante
Hand #46: David Baker raised the cutoff to 50,000 and Brian Kim three-bet to 75,000 from the button. Both blinds folded and the flop fell . Baker checked and folded to a bet from Kim.
Hand #47: Baker raised to 50,000 from the hijack and Dominzo Love three-bet it from the small blind. Baker called and then called a bet on the flop. Love bet again on the
turn and Baker folded.
Hand #48: Ruiko Mamiya raised from the cutoff and won the pot.
Hand #49: Chris Ferguson raised from the small blind and Baker popped him from the big. Ferguson called and the flop came down . Ferguson check-called a bet and the
appeared on the turn. Ferguson checked, Baker bet, and Ferguson hit the tank before laying it down.