Big River Decisions

Hand #65: It folded to small blind Ben Underwood, who made it 3,600,000 to play. Big blind Amir Lehavot paid the new price. The flop came down prompting a bet of 3,500,000 from Lehavot when action was checked to him. Back to Underwood, who called, seeing the
on the turn, which was checked round. The river brought the
. Underwood now led for 4,500,000 ad Lehavot quickly folded.
Hand #66: Soriano opened for 2,500,000 first to act, Blackburn the only caller in the big blind. After a flop of was dealt, Blackburn check-called his opponent's 2,600,000 bet to see the
turn. Both players checked. The river was the
. Blackburn now led out for 4,000,000, and the longest tank on the final table so far ensued. As river tanks go, however, it wasn't that long; he folded after a couple of minutes.
Hand #67: Lehavot raised his button to 2,800,000 and found Soriano three-betting to 18,100,000 from the blinds. No call.
Hand #68: Button Blackburn raised to 2,800,000, called by big blind Underwood. . Underwood check-folded to a bet of 7,000,000, the pace of play by all still swift.