Hands #147-150: Lichtenberger Gives Seven-Deuce a Try

Hand #147: Andrew Lichtenberger made it 550,000 from the button and Sam Soverel called from the big blind. The flop of had Soverel check. Lichtenberger bet 425,000 and Soverel called. On the
turn, with 2.33 million in the middle, both players checked. The
completed the board and another two checks later, Lichtenberger took it down showing
Hand #148: Soverel in the small blind limped in for an additional 125,000, Lichtenberger checked his big blind. The flop brought the two and Soverel checked. Lichtenberger bet 275,000 and Soverel called. The
hit the turn and Soverel checked once more. Lichtenberger bet 725,000 this time around. That was enough to win him the pot as Soverel folded.
Hand #149: After Soverel folded, Lichtenberger raised to 900,000 from the small blind. Heath committed the additional 650,000 to see a flop. On , they both checked so the
on the turn was seen for free and they checked again. The
on the river saw Lichtenberger bet 1.8 million. Heath called almost instantly.
Lichtenberger showed , Heath took it down with the
Hand #150: Lichtenberger raised to 550,000 from the button. Sam Soverel called from the big blind. Soverel checked on and Lichtenberger bet 425,000. Soverel folded.