Hands #51-52: Jacks for Peng?

Hand #51: Jared Koppel raised to 170,000 from the cutoff and was called by Gustavo Darosamuniz on the button and Joe Curcio in the big blind. The flop came , Curcio checked, Koppel bet 225,000 and both Darosamuniz and Curcio folded.
Hand #52: Roman Korenev raised to 180,000 from the early position and Curcio called in the small blind. Dong Sheng Peng three-bet to 580,000 in the big blind and Korenev responded with a shove after having considered his options for a while. Curcio folded immediately but Peng dived into the tank. After a while, Peng mock-slapped his own hand before folding which made almost the whole table laugh.
Shortly after, Curcio showed his phone to Peng on which he had pulled up Google Translate. Peng laughed. The rest of the table asked him what he had asked Peng via the translate function.
"If he had jacks," Curcio shrugged which incited more laughter from the table.