Hands #69-75: Pushing and Shoving

Hand #69: Bob Shao moved all in from mid-position for 15,500,000 and got no action.
Hand #70: Cory Albertson raised to 2,700,000 from mid-position and everyone folded.
Hand #71: Joshua Thibodaux moved all in on the button for about 24,000,000 and got no action.
Hand #72: Lokesh Garg raised to 2,800,000 under the gun, and Albertson called in the big blind.
The flop came and Garg threw in a bet of 3,500,000, which was enough to claim the pot.
Hand #73: Kazuki Ikeuchi raised to 2,800,000 under the gun and everyone folded.
Hand #74: Thibodaux opened to 3,000,000 from mid-position and got no action.
Hand #75: Thibodaux raised to 2,700,000 under the gun. Garg called from the button.
A flop reading was dealt and Thibodaux moved all in for about 25,000,000. Garg gave up his hand.