Hands #82-87: Helppi and Al-Keliddar Tussle

Hand #82: Justin Thurlow opened the button and Andrew Yip came along from the small blind. The board came and Yip lead and called a reraise on the flop, check-called another bet on the turn and check-folded the river.
Hand #83: Yaser Al-Keliddar raised blind on blind and Juha Helppi called. Al-Keliddar continued on the flop and Helppi called behind. The turn saw Al-Keliddar check and fold to a bet by Helppi.
Hand #84: Al-Keliddar opened the button and flat called Helppi's three-bet. The flop was and Helppi bet the flop. He then check-called the
turn and did the same on the
river. Al-Keliddar showed
to take it.
Hand #85: Thurlow opened the small blind and took it down.
Hand #86: Thurlow raised and took it down from the button.
Hand #87: Al-Keliddar raised blind on blind and Helppi called. Al-Keliddar won it with a continuation on the flop.