"Ohhhhhhh Yeaaaaaahhhhhhh!"

You're no doubt familiar with Grant and Blair Hinkle, the two brothers who won WSOP bracelets in 2008, but you may not be familiar with Mason, the other Hinkle brother. Also known as "Uncle Ron," Mason admits he "lives vicariously through my brothers' poker success."
Indeed, PokerNews has encountered Uncle Ron a few times at the Horseshoe Council Bluffs, which is where his brother Blair has won three WSOP Circuit Main Event in four years!
While neither Blair nor Grant are at this final table, Uncle Ron has decided to rail the tournament and throw his support behind Phil Hellmuth.
"Ohhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaahhhhhh," Uncle Ron says while gyrating every time Hellmuth wins a hand. A few of the hundred or so players in the stands voiced their disapproval, but the majority of spectators were cracking up at the unconventional cheer.
Eventually security informed Uncle Ron that his repeated cheers were a disturbance and that he could not carry on, but the rest of the spectators came to his defense when they started a chant of their own.
"Let him cheer. Let him cheer. Let him cheer," they repeated. The security guard smiled, threw his hands up in the air, and then walked away.
"Ohhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaahhhhhh!"