Morgan Popham Eliminated in 2nd Place ($127,245)
Level 25
: 20,000/40,000, 0 ante

Hand 147: Morgan Popham got a walk.
Hand 148: Brandon Shack-Harris got a walk.
Hand 149: Shack-Harris raised to 80,000, and Popham potted to 240,000. Shack-Harris repotted to 720,000, and Popham shoved all in for 935,000 total. Shack-Harris called.
Popham was in great shape with aces, even covering Shack-Harris' dangler. The flop was clean: . A
turn brought a straight draw for Shack-Harris, but Popham held a blocker. Nonetheless, the
peeled off, giving Shack-Harris a straight and the bracelet.