Secondary Table: C-Betting and a Newhouse Shove

Hand #157: The table folded to Amir Lehavot who completed from the small blind, then Marc McLaughlin raised to 600,000 from the big blind and Lehavot called. The flop came , and Lehavot check-folded to McLaughlin's continuation bet of 750,000.
Hand #158: JC Tran opened for 650,000 from the hijack seat and only Marc McLaughlin called from the small blind. The flop came , McLaughlin checked, Tran bet 725,000, and McLaughlin stepped aside.
Hand #159: McLaughlin raised to 600,000 from the button and won the blinds and antes.
Hand #160: McLaughlin raised to 600,000 from the cutoff and Tran called from the big blind. The flop came . Tran checked, McLaughlin bet 750,000, and Tran folded.
Hand #161: Mark Newhouse raised to 600,000 from the cutoff and won the hand..
Hand #162: Matthew Reed raised to 600,000 from the hijack seat, then Newhouse pushed all in from the cutoff seat and it folded back to Reed. The chips were counted to see Newhouse's reraise was to for 5,775,000 total, and Reed thought about a half-minute longer before folding.