Hand Number 6 Till 11

Hand #6: Van Tran made it 60,000 but he would fold as Robin Ylitalo made it 130,000 to go. Everybody else did as well so the Swede won his first hand of the final table.
Hand #7: Van Tran raised it up to 60,000 but this time he would take down the pot.
Hand #8: Noah Sandler got a walk in the big blind.
Hand #9: Robin Ylitalo made it 60,000 from early position and that won him the pot.
Hand #10: Taras Kripps limped in from late position and Brian O'Donoghue made it 90,000 to go. Noah Sandler made the call from the small blind and, Kripps called as well. on the flop and both checked, and folded, to O'Donoghue after he made a 130,000 continuation-bet.
Hand #11: Roger Lussier pushed all in from the small blind after everybody had folded. Van Tran folded his big blind and that was naturally the end of it.