Stone Crippled, then Doubles

Hand #54
Chris Moorman raised it up to 23,000, before the action folded around to Horacio Chaves. After thinking about his decision for a minute, he opted to move all in, producing a quick fold from Moorman.
Hand #55
Louis Bonnecaze raised to 26,000, before being met with a raise to 63,000 from Ben Volpe. After a short pause, Bonnecaze made the call as both saw the flop come down . Bonnecaze checked his option, before Volpe threw in a continuation bet of 66,000, which was enough to take down the pot.
Hand #56
The two shortest stacks, Paul Lieu and Adam Stone committed the last of their chips in pre-flop, before both tabled their cards.
Lieu was at risk with the shorter stack, but the board of would fall in his favour, as he doubled up, leaving Stone with less than an ante behind.
Hand #57
Adam Stone was all in for less the ante. Paul Lieu made the call, as did Chris Moorman, and Louis Bonnecaze raised to 32,000. The other's folded, as the cards were turned over.
Stone flopped a pair, to stay alive in the tournament.