Tuan Vo Eliminated in 9th Place ($21,190)

Gavin Smith: /
Tuan Vo: /
David "Bakes" Baker: /
Tuan Vo completed with the showing only to have Gavin Smith raise with the
up. David "Bakes" Baker called, as did Vo, and it was three-way action to fourth street.
Smith checked his paired eights, Baker bet and Vo called. Smith made the call as well and then checked for a second time on fifth. This time Baker checked behind and Vo took the initiative with a bet. Smith called, Baker woke up with a check-raise and Vo reraise all in. Smith got out of the way and Baker made the call.
Vo showed two pair, but it was behind Baker's set of aces. Unfortunately for Vo, both sixth and seventh street missed him and he was eliminated in ninth place for $21,190. An impressive showing for the man from Pleasantville, New Jersey, who finished 16th in this very event last year for $11,637.