Filling in the Gaps

As hands proceed, table talk fills the gaps between hands. It's fairly quiet right now over in the blue section, where those three feature tables are located. Quiet enough for those playing to overhear Ali Nejad in the corner shooting some video for ESPN in which he sounds as though he's narrating an end-of-day intro in which he's talking about Day 1b having already concluded.
At Dan Harrington's table they began remarking on how Nejad spoke as though he knew how things were going to end today, with Jeff "PKRGSSP" Walsh and Katie Dozier laughing and joining in the conversation.
That led Harrington to recall a story about Ronald Reagan from well before his days as an actor and president, back when he worked as a radio broadcaster in the 1930s.
Reagan apparently would deliver play-by-play accounts of Chicago Cubs baseball games via reports sent to him via telegraph as if he were there. The way the story goes, on one occasion the telegraph died and Reagan continued to deliver the action, inventing it wholesale, for several minutes until communication was restored. A clever bit of gap-filling, that.