A $1,000,000 Tourney One Day, a $1,500 the Next

We took an excursion over to the Pavilion Room, just to say hello. Looks like something in the neighborhood of 100 tables full of players there for this event.
Among them are Michael Reed, Justin Bonomo, Nam Le, Jeff Madsen, Amanda Musumeci, Tim West, Faraz Jaka, David Singer, and a couple of WSOP Main Event champions — Carlos Mortensen (2000) and Greg Raymer (2004). Hopefully we'll be seeing some of them again later today should they survive to find new seats in the Brasilia.
Another big winner at the WSOP is here, too, although something tell us he'd prefer to be playing in a different event today, one with a somewhat larger buy-in. Michael "The Grinder" Mizrachi is here, having been one of the 11 players of the original field of 48 who didn't make it through Day 1 of Event 55: $1,000,000 Big One for One Drop, the second day of which began at noon as well.